Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Sorry for no class last week.  I've been programming in a new language at work, and it's destroyed my brain.

I also skipped the week before last's blog! Well it weren't nothin' special.  Just some chi sao starting from out fighting. We'll be doing that every class from now on.  That's the best way to practice because it's the most realistic!

I've got 3 ranges down for knife throwing, and when I say down, I mean I can hit about 60% of the time :)

Saturday classes have started back! I went camping this last week though, as it's probably the last of the season.  Nothing like backpacking that trains you for kung fu. Clears the mind, and resets the soul.


  1. Do you use alot of the same knifes? or if you use the right technique does it matter?

  2. I have 4 different knife types:

    1. kunai
    2. single edged throwing knives
    3. folding pocket knives
    4. heavy throwing knives (only tipped with no edge)

    The technique is the same for all of them. Your distance determines whether you hold the blade or the handle. The heavier they are, the easier it is to do a "no spin" technique. That's currently what I'm working on. I have about a %20 hit rate with the heavy ones.

    Thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog, Matt! :)

  3. No Problem! I think this thing is good!

    I liked throwing axes! when we get the new house I am going to make some new axes and hang some logs. Maybe I will take up knifes also
