Thursday, September 18, 2014


I skipped a class!  yeesh.

I have 2 lessons now on video that I haven't edited yet :(

Both Lessons were similar anyways.  It's all about the footwork.

Often you'll hear people say that kicks do not exist in Wing Chun, or that they're not used very often. Nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact of the matter is, you are always kicking in Wing Chun.  Just like you're always punching.

In order for the triangle/wedge theory to actually work, we need to be creating a wedge with actual energy in it. To do this, you need to push your spring out to the edge of your triangle continuously. You don't necessarily have to chain punch or kick constantly, but you do need to be focused on the point of your wedge and be conscious of putting your hands and feet there. Focus.

The reason this class is titled "Dancin'", is that Wing Chun's foot work can be akin to dancing.  When an opponent steps back, depending on the distance, you either kick to fill the gap created or step forward and keep contact.  Think of your opponent like a gravity well.

Alternatively, when the opponent moves forward you do not move back.  If their center is gravity, then you begin to orbit.  The foot work here is the same as it is with the hands.  If you move your hand into your opponents arm, you have to roll your wrist around that arm to free your hand to move toward the target.  The same can be said about the feet.  If your opponent moves forward and you orbit around while continuing to move towards their center of gravity, then your foot will hit their foot or leg. When this happens, you must roll your foot around your opponent to get to your target, which is their center.

I think the reason people don't consider kicking a part of Wing Chun, is that most chunners practice Chi Sao without kicks. There might be some leg work done there, but it's usually fine tuned after the hands can work by themselves, which really takes a long time.  So often people only observe someone just starting out.

Hopefully these Fall months will be full of good kicks and Wing Chun kicking! :D

Monday, September 8, 2014

Chi Sao return

We had a great class last Wednesday! A good return for Ryan and David to the world of Kung fu.  All basic stuff and great!  I'm excited for Fall and moving into the 2nd form.

My goal for this Fall season is to learn the wooden dummy form and get knife throwing to some semblance of consistency. 

Still haven't edited all the video Tyler and Katelyn made.  Life is so busy!